I pushed the generator start button on my inside RV panel
just before leaving for a week long trip.
The generator wouldn’t start, only a low buzzing could be
heard coming from the generator.
I ended up going on the trip and experienced the same
behavior at our campsite.
The friend who was with me was barbequing some food and he
walked over while I was trying to start it and he whacked the solenoid on my
generator with some tongs he had in his hand and the thing started right up.
I used the “hit it” technique until I got home and then
looked for a place to buy a solenoid.
I ended up finding one for a decent price on anyrvparts.com
I got the new part a couple days later, unfortunately it had a piece broken out of the
I ended up gluing the piece on with JB Weld and using it. I
sent a note to anyrvparts but never heard back anything. They use newspaper for
packing material to ship, maybe a problem?
Part Number 307-2586
Price with shipping & tax about $46
Anyway, pretty easy to install, just one bolt and the wire connections,
With the new solenoid, the generator starts up every time.
Can you explain the wiring diagram for the relay? What are the top two smaller wires for and where do they connect? What about the larger posts on each side?